Simple, healthy slow cooker pork roast recipe born from my love of sweetness and lack of ingredients. The dish works great even for singles or smaller...
Pork shoulder is a popular cut of meat, but it's almost always cooked until fork-tender, which, to your average cook, means 'falling apart.' This is fine...
I adjusted this recipe, after seeing one with similar ingredients that had far more steps and ingredients. Using salsa in place of canned tomatoes and...
Tender pork richly glazed with the sparkling taste of ginger and pomegranate juice. I recommend ginger marmalade if you can find it. Serve with apple sauce...
When I lived in Chicago used to go to Cicero for a treat like this, served with steamed dumplings and mashed potatoes. Use the drippings to make an incredible...
This is a delicious pork loin and cabbage recipe, topped with mashed potatoes! Well worth the effort that needs to go into it. Make sure you have a meat...
I had planned to make green chile Colorado this morning, but found that I was lacking most of the ingredients required. After playing 'I could substitute...
A special crown roast with a regal cranberry apple stuffing. This roast will turn any dinner party into a special occasion and your guests will feel like...
Here's another take on pork as traditionally prepared in Wisconsin. This recipe actually uses spices other than salt and pepper, making it something like...
This is a classic simple recipe for "Schweinshaxe" (pork leg Bavarian-style). It's very easy to prepare, you just have to make sure there is enough liquid...
Bone in Pork roast with brown sugar and maraschino cherries. Garlic adds just the right twist. This comes out tender and juicy. Cooking in a oven bag its...
A pork loin is marinated with a nice rub flavored with thyme and three chiles. The dry rub penetrates all the way through and bakes into a sticky, sweet...
There are many variations of this recipe. My sister Helen, who lived in Cuba during the late 50's got this version from a cook in her employ. It is definitely...
This is the best and most basic way to ensure a juicy, perfectly-cooked pork roast every time. This recipe really requires a good thermometer -- either...
My grandfather's pot roast is the best. Flavorful, moist, and tender, this is worthy to be the centerpiece of the Sunday dinner table! Serve in a bowl...
What tastes better than rosemary with pork? Add some green beans with toasted almonds, roasted potatoes, and a wild greens salad with balsamic vinaigrette,...
This is a honey mustard glaze with black pepper for a little spice. You may decrease or omit the pepper if you don't want it so spicy. You can also decrease...
When it's hot outside and you don't want to heat up the house, this is the perfect pork recipe. Slow cooked over indirect heat on the grill, this is one...
This is a GREAT recipe. Do not let the ingredients scare you, they combine to make a really great taste. The pork is so moist and tender that it will fall...
This recipe makes the toughest pig easy to handle with the added benefit of being healthy. Naturally low fat, this is also low sodium and easy to do in...
This is a fine Halloween loin to have before a night of candy and partying! Beef loin can be used instead if desired. If you don't have a roasting pan,...
There are many variations of this recipe. My sister Helen, who lived in Cuba during the late 50's got this version from a cook in her employ. It is definitely...
A spicy, tasty and extremely moist boneless pork roast. This recipe uses a dry rub combination that you rub on the meat before you roast it. The rub includes...
This entree can be prepared in seconds. Put all the ingredients together, and in hours you will have a delicious, moist, and tasty roast! Enjoy with salad...